As everyone else in the world seems to be joining the blogging bandwagon, we thought ... hmmm ... so why shoudn't we? Just because we're not "techie" people and we have the attention span of a hyperactive squirrel who just discovered a cave-ful of walnuts ... plus I have to admit it was a struggle to even get going with this page since we're a bit resistant to electronic change.

But on the positive side, our collective experiences in life could actually be entertaining, helpful and perhaps enlightening (?) to others. Although enlightenment might be too much to aim for - hahaha. So we hope you enjoy reading our blogs on various spontaneous topics as much as we enjoy putting them together. Watch out, world! :D

Friday, November 5, 2010

HSBC 135 FUN RUN (November 6, 2010) - The Fort

Joined the HSBC 135 Fun Run at the Fort and we actually finished!  Observations during the event:  It event started a bit late.  Most runs start at 5:00 am when it's still dark but by the time this event started, the sun was already rising.  Also, the main stage was too far from the starting line which was why when they announced the  gun start of each race per category, many runners got left behind since you could barely hear anything.  They should have put a smaller stage close to the start/finish line.  And there was no warm-up which was why our legs felt cramped halfway down the line.

The route around the area was not too impressive.  There were u-turns and people running in all directions for the different categories ...  There were plenty of puddles, there were hardly any officials watching the race (meaning you could cheat - as in getting dropped off by car at an area close to the end), the water at the stations had a chemical taste, there were stoplights and cars crossing the street.  Furthermore, it took so long for the queue to get the lootbags as the lines were a mile long and the persons distributing it were so slow.  Apparently, there was also a problem in the availability of the finisher's shirt sizes which was included in the loot bag.  The awarding had already finished yet there was still a massive line for the loot bags.  Oh and there were very few participating booths - you can count them with your fingers.

Our impression was that the race was not well-organized.  Possibly though, that it was just initially intended for the employees and customers of HSBC (?)  Approximately 1000 persons turned up.  At the rate of P750.00 per registration, you usually expect a better quality run which was why we got disappointed.  Yes the singlets were designed by Rajo Laurel and the contents of the lootbags were okay (includes a shirt and water bottle) but in general, it could have been better organized.